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7 Reasons Why Sleep is Important

Here are 7 reasons why sleep is important in our everyday lives:

It improves metabolism
People with a short sleeping person may have a stronger risk of increasing body weight and it may lead to obesity.

It improves your diet
A person who has poor sleeping may affect their hormones and deregulate their eating habits. Having a good sleep may tend to eat fewer calories and balancing their appetite.

It Improves your working activity
Sleep is very important to our brain function. It generally improves your concentration, productivity, and performance at work or school.

It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
Quality sleeping must be at least 7-9 hours – that gives our heart function and circulation of blood in better shape.

It enhances our mood
Having a person with depression can be linked to a sleeping disorder. Therefore, having good sleep will improve our mental health.

It enhances immunity
Aside from improving our metabolism, a night of proper sleep will strengthen the immune system and fights the risk of common colds and viruses.

It improves digestion
A person who is sleeping regularly may give a better bowel movement as it affects the body’s inflammatory responses.

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